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How To Find Great Shoplifting Lawyers in Michigan

By Tristan

An experienced criminal defense attorney is needed to represent you in court, whether you have been charged with shoplifting or simply arrested. Shoplifting and theft charges can result in severe penalties. These offenses can result in jail time and even possible loss of your freedom. However, the penalties for theft can be more severe. To protect your rights, it is important to hire New Jersey shoplifting lawyers.

Shoplifting is a crime that can be charged against you differently from a younger defendant. If you are a minor, for example, you will likely be tried in family court and sent to juvenile detention. Even if you are not sentenced to prison or jail, shoplifting convictions can have a lasting impact on your life. A conviction can make it difficult for many young people to get a job, get an education, or just to get along.

Your legal defense attorney will fight to get you the best possible outcome if you are accused of shoplifting. Your criminal conviction could land you in prison for years and you will be fined thousands of dollars. A skilled New Jersey shoplifting lawyer will be able to represent you aggressively. You have a better chance of getting a positive outcome if you hire a more experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Shoplifting lawyers don’t have to be expensive. Leon Matchin, a top-rated firm in the region, is able to help you find a shoplifting lawyer.

Shoplifting lawyers can help you get the most money possible. A third-degree felony could be imposed if you shoplift merchandise valued over $150. The merchant may also be able to seek reimbursement for its legal fees and court costs. You could spend up to 18 months in prison if you are found guilty. Your punishment may be more severe in some cases.

Although it might not seem so, it is possible to avoid conviction by hiring an experienced attorney who is familiar with the laws regarding shoplifting and other crimes. A skilled attorney will work with the police to reduce your punishment. Your lawyer can convince the judge that even if you are convicted by the prosecution, there is no evidence to support your guilt. If your lawyer can defend you in court, the charges will be dropped or dismissed entirely.

A lawyer must have a good understanding of the law and be able to present your case. The speed of the prosecution as well as the state’s statute of limitations will determine the timeframe for a shoplifting case. The defendant could face jail time and a heavy fine if the case is tried. A shoplifting conviction could result in losing your public employment.

Check your eligibility for a conditional discharge program before you hire a New Jersey shoplifting attorney. If you have never been accused of shoplifting, this program is available to you. A diversionary program called conditional dismissal is available to people with limited criminal records and those who do not have citizenship. People who are eligible can avoid traditional prosecution by entering a probationary program. This often includes community service and counseling. The prosecutor may reopen the case to seek a CD if you fail to comply with the program.

Shoplifting cases in New Jersey are handled by the Courts at two levels. The Municipal Court handles disorderly persons offenses in East Brunswick, while the Superior Court in Middlesex County handles shoplifting cases in the first degree. Shoplifters who are first-time may be eligible to receive Conditional Dismissal and Pretrial Intervention. They can have their convictions expunged within six months of completing the program.

New Jersey’s court that handles the case will depend on the value of the stolen goods. Municipal Courts will hear cases under $200. Superior Courts will hear cases over $200. Each county has a superior court. Union, Watchung, Short Hills, Wayne, and Toms River have higher shoplifting rates than other towns.

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