Lawyer News

What Legal Options Do I Have If I Get Hurt on an Elevator Or Escalator?

By Tristan

If you have been hurt in an elevator or escalator accident, you have many legal options. You can file a claim for workers’ compensation or file a product liability lawsuit. A qualified New York City elevator accident attorney will guide you through your options and help you decide which one will best benefit your case.

Your legal options depend on the cause of your injury and the type of escalator or elevator. You may be able to pursue a product liability claim if the manufacturer of the elevator or escalator was negligent in manufacturing or designing it.

You can also pursue a personal injury claim in Albuquerque if you were injured on an escalator. These devices can be dangerous and could cause life-threatening injuries. You should gather any video or photographs of the accident to document the situation. If the escalator is faulty, you may be able to hold the manufacturer, building owners, maintenance company, and installer of the elevator responsible.

Accidents involving escalators and elevators can lead to catastrophic injuries. If you or a loved one was injured in an elevator or escalator accident, you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim to recover compensation for medical bills and lost wages. An experienced attorney from GarberLegal can help you navigate the legal process and protect your legal rights.

Safety is an important concern for escalators and elevators in Atlanta. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an estimated 17,000 Americans are injured or die every year on elevators or escalators. This number is alarming.

Accidents involving escalators and elevators often involve the elderly. Each year, about 2,600 elderly people visit the emergency room because of elevator-related injuries. However, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that elevator and escalator accidents claim thirty victims every year. In addition, 50 percent of these accidents occur when installation workers are installing the equipment. The most severely injured victims are often elderly people over the age of 85.

Fortunately, New York City requires that escalators be maintained according to strict standards to avoid accidents. Building owners must report any defective part or mechanism to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which can initiate a national recall. In addition, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has strict guidelines for inspections and repairs, which help to reduce the number of accidents. If you are injured in an elevator or escalator accident, you may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party.

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